
Capacitación Virtual Cultura de Negocios en México

Do you want to market in one of the largest markets in Latin America? Join our next virtual training on August 15 at 12 noon through Microsoft Teams, and learn all the details about the business culture in Mexico. You have time until August 14.

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The meeting is especially oriented to goods and services companies in the City that wish to learn more about the dynamics and functioning of the Mexican business sector in order to successfully enter that market.

The day will feature the outstanding participation of Laura Trejo, General Manager of the Mexico-Argentine Chamber of Commerce, as the main speaker. She will be in charge of sharing key information on how culture influences negotiations, she will also provide practical strategies to develop commercially in that country.

This activity is part of our general objective of providing tools and support to companies in the City interested in expanding internationally. The virtual modality facilitates a greater reach to the business ecosystem regardless of its geographical location.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge about the business culture in Mexico and strengthen your business strategy. Register now at this link to secure your place in this virtual training!

When? August 15th - 12h

Where? Microsoft Teams



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