
Acelerar España 2022

If you are looking forward to internationalizing your company and establishing it in Madrid, Accelerate Spain is the program made for you. Find out all about it and take your SME or startup to the next level!

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Registration for the fifth edition of the program that seeks to help you disembark in the Spanish market is now open. #AcelerarEspaña is a softlanding program for Argentine entrepreneurs and companies that are in the internationalization phase and seeking to establish themselves in Madrid. Its aim is to accompany them in the initial phase of the internationalization process.

The program aims to promote Argentine companies in Spain, and accompany them in their disembarkation to work in the promotion of companies with an exporting matrix, both in service and product companies.

Winning startups and SMEs will be accelerated between May and November 2022. In this period, companies will have the program's support network, connecting with the main actors of the Spanish ecosystem to validate their business model, and thus reach their first contracts in Spain.

Accelerate Spain is a non-profit philanthropic initiative led by Leandro Sigman that aims to accompany the internationalization of Argentine startups in their landing in Spain.

You have time to register until January 26 at 11:59 p.m. (Argentine time).

Access terms & conditions by clicking here

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