
International negotiation strategies

Together with Lorena Valente Pagani - Expert in negotiations and consultant specialized in the internationalization of companies, we will share the basic principles for creating and maintaining productive business relationships, in different types of transactions, of any volume and duration.

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Find out what the minimum necessary knowledge you need to take into account in your company when negotiating with potential counterparties, whether in a face-to-face or virtual business round, an international fair or any situation in which you want to sell a product or service.

Lorena is a consultant specialized in the internationalization of companies and an expert in negotiations. She is also a Master in Social Economy, academic director of art, design and innovation training programs at the Adolfo Ibáñez University in Chile, Pagani Automobili in Italy, among others. In turn, he is responsible for the Headquarters of the Community of Mentors of the Ministry of Productive Development of the Nation and collaborates as a technical assistant in the Export Challenge program managed by the General Directorate of Investment Promotion in conjunction with the Argentine Investment Agency and International Trade - AAICI.

Sign up and take your export potential to the next level!

When? 14th of July, 11h

Where? Virtual, Microsoft Teams

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