
Economic Districts

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Did you know that Buenos Aires has a system of Economic Districts? These are strategic locations that aim to boost the audiovisual, technological, wine, design and arts sectors, improving their competitiveness and promoting the establishment of companies in the southern area of the city. Find out their location and how to apply for these benefits:

  • Tax exemptions until 2035

  • Incentive for real estate development with mixed purposes 

  • Financing facilities

  • Other district-specific benefits

Technological District:

What areas are included? Companies linked to hardware, software, infrastructure services, platform services, BPO, education, engineering, e-commerce, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, bioeconomy, biology, biochemistry, microbiology, bioinformatics, molecular biology, neurotechnology, genetic engineering, geoengineering, domotics, 3D printing, cloud computing services, artificial intelligence, internet of things, sensors, additive manufacturing, augmented and virtual reality, among others, can be beneficiaries. 

In addition, it includes incubators and incorporates the activities promoted in the Knowledge Economy Law.

What are the benefits? Both foreign and domestic companies can take advantage of the following incentives until 2035:

  • 100% exemption on Gross Income Tax (ISI for its spanish initials), Street Lighting and Cleaning (ABL for its spanish initials) and Stamp Tax (Instruments of Possession and Contracts)

  • Transferable tax credit (up to 50% of the investment for companies not yet taxed in the City of Buenos Aires)

  • Preferential credit lines from Banco Ciudad

  • Mixed-use developers (25% of total investment in ISIB for 5 years)

  • Clustering actions: human resources, business rounds, workshops and training

Design District:

What areas are included? Companies dedicated to the textile industry, leather goods, furniture design, architecture, landscaping and urban planning, as well as graphic designers, printers, publishers and companies that provide design, packaging, production and sales services may be beneficiaries.

What are the benefits? 

  • Tax exemptions until 2035

  • Gross Income Tax Exemption (ISIB for its spanish initials)

  • Stamp tax exemption (instruments of possession and contracts)

  • Exemption on Lighting, Sweeping and Cleaning (ABL)

  • Exemption for construction work procedures

  • Exemption for Special Generators of Urban Solid Waste 

  • Developers of Mixed Uses (25% ISIB extra on the investment made in the non-developed area -housing or commerce-)

  • Preferential credit lines from Banco Ciudad

  • Transferable tax credit (up to 50% of the investment for companies not yet taxed in the City of Buenos Aires)

Audiovisual and Arts District:

What areas are included? This district is a centre for promotion, development, innovation and knowledge that groups companies and people linked to audiovisual and artistic activities.

What are the benefits? Incentives for both companies and individuals include:

  • Tax exemptions until 2035

  • Exemption on Gross Income Tax (ISI)

  • Stamp Tax Exemption (Instruments of Possession and Contracts)

  • Exemption on Lighting, Sweeping and Cleaning (ABL)

  • Exemption of Fees for Works Procedures

  • Exemption for Special Generators of Urban Solid Waste 

  • Developers of Mixed Uses (25% ISIB extra on the investment made in the non-developed area - housing or commerce)

  • Preferential credit lines from Banco Ciudad

  • Transferable tax credit (up to 50% of the investment for companies not yet taxed in the City of Buenos Aires)

Wine District

What areas are included? The initiative includes tasting and recreation areas. In addition, the installation of wine bars, cellars and tasting centers, wine schools and sales showrooms, training proposals and gastronomic experiences, which makes it a differentiating attraction for the city.

What are the benefits? A percentage of the amount invested in the development of the spaces will be granted as payment on account in the tax on gross income in the city of Buenos Aires.

  • Up to 70% of the invested amount

  • No expiration date

  • Allows plurality of investors

  • Reaches all investor's CUIT

  • It covers the construction, sale, lease, trust, among others

How to obtain the benefits?

To do so, you have to register in the Unified Registry of Economic Districts, which can be definitive or provisional depending on whether your company or SME is already located in the District at the time of application or if, failing that, you intend to do so in the short term. This means that the initiative covers both new and existing projects in the sector.

For more information, contact distritoseconomicos@buenosaires.gob.ar.

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